To the Woods of Caroline!
Updated August 1, 2004
We've arrived!
After our four-year term in DC, Backstreets has relocated to our new office in Chapel Hill, NC. We plan to be closed for just another week of so while we set up the new digs, but after that we'll be resuming business as usual. Not much will change, for all intents and purposes -- we'll need a little more gas in the tank for NJ road trips, but that's about it. Well, that and some new contact info:
1818 Airport Road #300
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
If you've recently sent something to our DC address, not to worry--we'll still be able to retrieve that mail for a little while, and after that a forwarding order with the postal service should take care of any stragglers.
NEW PHONE (as of August 9):
(919) 968-9466
(919) 968-9622
Our e-mail addresses (and the website, natch) will stay the same. While our online store will remain open for business 24/7, and orders can be placed as usual, there will be a slight delay in order fulfillment while we get packed and unpacked, between July 26 and August 8. (All shipments, including Overnight and 2-Day, will have to be suspended during those two weeks, but we'll get on 'em as soon as we're back up and running.) During that time, our office will be technically "closed," though we'll be working to beat the Jersey Devil, setting up shop, getting the phones hooked up, all that stuff.
Thanks for your patience during the transition, and check this page for any updates!
more about Backstreets, see our Frequently Asked Questions
get in touch, see our Contact Us page.

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The Backstreets Liner Notes, our own song-by-song printed booklet, comes exclusive and FREE with each CD & LP!
Backstreet Records is the mailorder division of Backstreets, delivering Springsteen merchandise to fans for more than 25 years. We carry numerous collectibles, tour shirts, books, magazines, and imported CDs and records.
The world's best selection of Springsteen collectibles, all available by mail.
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Our most recent issue honors a very Big Man. More than half of the 116-page, perfect bound Backstreets #91 is a tribute to the life and music of... do we have to say his name?
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