Asked Questions
The Backstreets Frequently Asked Questions list is a work in progress. Last updated: January 21, 2008
Truly Asked Frequently
Regarding Backstreets Magazine
Regarding BTX
Truly Asked Frequently
can I send a letter to Bruce Springsteen?
We'd love to be able to help, but unfortunately we have no method of contact for Bruce Springsteen. There is currently no address given for fan mail. Some years back, we were able to recommend that letters be sent to Springsteen care of his record label, but mail sent to that address began to be returned to sender. So unfortunately, we have nowhere to point you. If we ever discover an official fan mail address for Bruce Springsteen, we'll post it immediately and permanently, and we'll make sure you can't miss it.
Bruce have an e-mail address?
Sorry, but really, we have no method of contact for Bruce Springsteen. If he has an e-mail address, he's kept it under wraps and hasn't posted any drunken rants on message boards or anything. He does have a myspace page (run by his record label), and an official website:
We imagine that if Springsteen or his organization ever chooses to offer
an e-mail contact, it would be posted there.
this is important! I'm no regular fan, I represent a food bank/major concert
promoter/publisher seeking rights permissions/third world country, and
it's imperative that we get in touch!
Well, we still have no method of contact for Bruce Springsteen, but for
official business you might try his publicist, Shore Fire Media, which
has a website at
They might be able to help with such matters. Sincere best wishes.
you really don't know of any way to contact Bruce Springsteen?
'Fraid not. Backstreets is an independent organization, not affiliated with Springsteen, his management, or his record label. We do not have any means of contacting him, of passing along requests, of obtaining autographs or backstage passes.
it's my boyfriend's birthday!!
Oh, well if that's the case, then simply send us a self-addressed stamped
envelope, and we'll... nah, just kidding, we really don't have a way.
there at least a fan club where I can get a signed 8x10 or something?
Nope. Backstreets may be the closest thing there is to a fan club, but
we're not a fan club we publish a fan magazine, and we're an independent
group with no ties to the Springsteen organization.
but seriously there has to be a way, becuase I hear that songs are
played by request how can I make a request?
Make a sign.... Get lucky and run into him somewhere on the day of the
show.... For the most part, it seems to be a right place/right time thing.
Promise, there's really no Request Line that we're keeping secret.
is Bruce Springsteen coming to my town?
If you're looking for concert information where Springsteen will
be playing, when, and how to get tickets you'll find everything
we know posted on
- Check
our Tour/Ticket Info page for Springsteen's
current itinerary. Every date on his official schedule is posted there,
along with everything we know about how to get tickets to each show.
We keep the Tour/Ticket Info page updated on a regular basis, with any
additions to the itinerary posted there ASAP.
- Check
our News page for additional tour news and,
occasionally, speculation. We do our best to only post solid, verifiable
information on, but that doesn't rule out news of future
tour plans and potential shows that have yet to be announced and are
not yet reflected on the tour/ticket info page.
- If you're
looking to catch one of Springsteen's legendary surprise performances,
well, there are never any guarantees where or when these will happen
-- that's where the word "surprise" comes in. But you might
check out our Concert Calendar, which lists
scheduled dates by friends and related musicians, for possibilities.
In every case, we highly, highly recommend that you limit your expectations
to the band on the bill -- for your own sake, out of respect for the
performers hard at work, and because "Brooocing" has been
known to scare him away -- but hey, you'll never catch him if you're
not there.
isn't Bruce Springsteen coming to my town?
Could be because he was there last year; or because the market isn't perceived
to be large enough to justify a tour stop; or maybe a date in your town
is in the works and it just hasn't been announced yet. Hard for us to
say, as we have no connection whatsoever with the tour staff and are not
involved with any such decisions. But we understand your frustration.
And we should point out that many Springsteen fans do travel in order
to see him perform.
you tell Bruce Springsteen to come to my town?
Try slipping us a fifty and asking that again, and we'll see what we can
you tell me more about an upcoming ticket sale/seating chart/show/ticket
We post as much information as is feasible on our Tour/Ticket
Info page, and we hope that's useful. It's a place to start. But if
you need more specifics, the best thing to do is contact the ticket seller
(generally, Ticketmaster)
or concert venue directly with additional questions. If you discover any
pertinent information that isn't reflected on our tour/ticket info page
that you think other fans would like to know, please e-mail it to,
and we appreciate the help!
you tell me where to buy bootlegs?
No, we can't. Can't tell you where to score dope, either, or where to
buy cartons of cigarettes that fell off the back of a truck. While Backstreets
magazine does review bootlegs as a service to those readers who will be
spending their hard-earned money on them anyway, we do not carry bootlegs
nor can we help collectors obtain these items. We advocate tape- and CDR-trading
over buying bootlegs. For more information on the collecting and trading
of CD-Rs, mp3s, etc., check out Flynn McLean's column "Burning Down
the Road" in the pages of Backstreets.
I don't read Backstreets Magazine!
You oughtta.
is Backstreets Magazine?
Publishing quarterly since 1980, Backstreets Magazine
is how we started, and it remains closest to our hearts -- a printed magazine
for Bruce Springsteen fans, dedicated exclusively to his music and performance
career. Yep, it's all Boss, all the time. See our About
Us page for a brief history of the magazine and a list our staff.
Like the website, the magazine also covers "the extended family"
the E Street Band in particular, as well as other related Jersey
Shore musicians, like Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes. We may even
keep up with what Shane Fontayne is up to once in a while. But "The
Boss Magazine" is our subhead, and that's the goal with each issue:
to focus squarely on what concerns Springsteen fans.
there's no connection between Backstreets Magazine and the Springsteen
Right. It's an independent fan endeavor, from start to finish. We do our
damndest to look all professional-like -- there's no Xeroxing involved,
we're printed on slick paper, we've recently added full-color, we actually
have proofreaders -- but it's a fan magazine, in every respect. We're
longtime fans ourselves, and we receive a great deal of assistance and
contributions from many of our readers around the world. The magazine
wouldn't be possible without the worldwide community of fans; that's both
who it's by and who it's for.
when did you start the website?
Back in 1995 the Solo Acoustic tour for Tom Joad was the first
Boss activity we covered on the web. At the time, we called our site "The
Backstreets Highway" (jeez, was there really a time when the superinformationhighway
references were clever? Oh, probably not) at an AOL-hosted URL that was
hard to remember. Like http://members/ Would've
used, but that was taken by some porn company at the time.
No kidding. Whoever it was, they went belly-up, so to speak, in 1998,
which is when we grabbed the name, and we've been ever
since. We started the website to help keep our readers informed between
issues of the magazine, particularly around tour time when getting information
quickly can make a big difference.
put out a magazine when you have a website?
Call us old-fashioned. We like print. We like having something to hold in our hands; we prefer it as a medium to cover subjects in more depth; and we like the handy and ever-expanding archive that results. Gather up the 80-plus issues that we've published since 1980, and you've got by far the largest repository of Bruce Springsteen information published under one roof. Plus, all those different colored spines sure do look purty lined up on the shelf like that, don't they? As great as the web is for being able to get news fast, the magazine remains our biggest labor of love here at the Backstreets Towers. With the emphasis on labor: most of our time and energy goes into the magazine.
many issues do you publish a year?
Backstreets is generally published every three or four months, though
the actual publication date is affected by breaking news, tour coverage
and the occasional special issue. Each issue of the magazine is progressively
numbered, and when you subscribe, each year of your subscription guarantees
you the next four issues.
I need to subscribe in order to get the magazine?
No. We do offer single copies of each issue for sale by mail while supplies
last (click
here to buy a single issue direct). Backstreets is also available
at a number of newsstands and record stores around the nation and even
overseas. Though as a small magazine, it can be difficult to find. Check
our Where to Buy page for more information.
(Record and book stores interested in carrying Backstreets can contact
our office for wholesale information. Though the magazine's audience is
select, the sell-through percentage is extremely high and the magazine
is offered to distributors on a guaranteed, full-return basis. Backstreets
is also handled by a number of independent distributors including Ingram,
IPD and Media Solutions.) If you're interested in the magazine, we highly
recommend that you consider subscribing-- not only to support Backstreets
more directly, but for the convenience of getting the magazine as soon
as it comes off the press and at a discount from the cover price. And
it's risk-free -- we offer a money-back guarantee if you're not happy.
can I tell when my subscription expires?
Subscribers can tell the expiration date of their current subscription
by looking at the number that appears above their name on their mailing
label (it follows an "X") (we cleverly call it the "X number").
Your X number will always tell you the number of the last issue youre
currently signed up to receive. If that number is the same number as the
latest issue, your subscription has just expired. Renewing at any time
simply increases your X number, adding another 4 issues for each year you
I need to look for my X number?
Well, it helps us if you do, and it helps keep you from missing an issue.
So it's a win-win. Unlike most larger, consumer magazines, Backstreets
does not have the resources to continually bombard subscribers with renewal
mailings, so it really helps if subscribers take note of their expiration
issue. Since Backstreets carries very little paid advertising, subscription
revenue is the only real support the magazine has. By subscribing or renewing
you are helping us with this admittedly modest effort. Again, you can
renew in advance to add more issues to your subscription, which will help
prevent any lapses or delays in service.
there a faster way to get my copy?
The magazine is mailed Periodicals Class to subscribers in the U.S. rather
than First Class, so that can sometimes mean it doesn't reach you as quickly
as we'd all like. That's the main reason we originally came up with the
"SuperSub," in response to requests from subscribers who wanted
to receive their magazine by First Class mail. (For overseas, the SuperSub
functions similarly overseas SuperSubs receive their issues by Air
Mail rather than ISAL shipping.)
is a "SuperSub"?
Backstreets has a SuperSubcriber program for those hardcore fans who also serve as supporting members of our magazine. SuperSubs get a package of subscriber services in addition to their normal subscription. SuperSub benefits include getting the magazine sent First Class, a special edition SuperSub t-shirt (we design a new one each year), a free 20-word classified ad in every issue (this alone is an $80 value), a special holiday card with greetings from the staff each year, and an automatic First Class subscription to all Backstreet Records catalogs and special hotsheet mailings. It's a bit pricey $55 a year, $65 overseas but the first class service is worth its weight in gold when you need your Backstreets fix right now. And when Backstreet Records comes across limited quantities of collectibles, SuperSubs generally hear about them first. For Air Mail service in addition to all the other perks listed above, the SuperSub is available to overseas fans for $65. We very much appreciate the extra base of support provided by our loyal SuperSubs.
do I let you know of a change of address?
This is an important one: You may have a forwarding order with the post
office, but the post office is not required to forward Periodicals mail,
and they usually don't. So if we don't have your current address on file,
there's an excellent chance that your magazine will be destroyed (literally)
-- and to add insult to injury, the post office will charge us return
postage to send the ripped-off cover back to us. You can help us avoid
all that and make sure you get your issue by e-mailing
with both your old and new addresses (marked clearly), or using our online
address change form. You can also fax your change of address to: (919) 968-9622, call us at (919) 968-9466, or mail it to: Backstreets Subscriber Services, 1818 Airport Road #300, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
do I do if my copy arrived damaged?
We do our best to make sure Backstreets arrives safely -- rather than
mailed "naked," it's mailed to subscribers in a protetcive plastic
polybag, and to SuperSubs in an envelope. But occasionally, stuff does
happen. Drop an e-mail to
to report a damaged issue, and we'll replace it for you ASAP.
do I do if my copy has yet to arrive?
Please note that it can take a while for each issue to make its way to
you. Not to say it will, but it can. Periodicals mail can
be slow and erratic, and we know that two subscribers living on the same
street have reported receiving their copy of Backstreets weeks apart.
So we do ask for your patience in allowing time for your copy to reach
you. It's a good idea to allow up to 6 weeks for delivery, and sometimes
even longer than that when starting a new subscription.
In order to make sure the magazine makes its way to you, it's also important
to make sure we have your current address -- don't forget to send us your
new address if you happen to move. (See "How do I let you know of
a change of address?" above.)
We'll provide the most current issue status on the Subscriber
Services page to give you a better idea of when to expect your issue.
Every once in a while mail does fall into a black hole. If you haven't
moved and haven't received your issue by a certain point, we'll consider
your issue lost in the mail, and we'll gladly replace it. Check Subscriber
Services for the latest update and to report a missing issue.
I moved, and I forgot to give you guys my new address. I think that's
why I haven't received the latest issue. What can I do about it?
Of course it's best if you change your address with us in advance, but if your forget, we can still mail another copy to your new address. Our standard charge for a re-send is two dollars, which helps us cover the postage for the reshipping. To request a re-send, just send two dollars along with your address update, and we'll get another copy sent your way. Mail to: Backstreets Subscriber Services, 1818 Airport Road #300, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
just started subscribing can I catch up on issues I missed?
Sure. Though many of the earliest issues are sold out and command high
prices on the collector's market, and other issues along the way have
sold out as well, many back issues are still available at reasonable prices.
Go to the Back
Issues section of our online shop to peruse and to order you'll
find a complete listing of Backstreets back issues there, with detailed
contents information for each issue.
you get input from readers?
Absolutely. Letters to the editor are always encouraged and we read them
all and publish as many as space permits. Beyond the letters column, Backstreets
is very much a forum for the ideas and input of the many subscribers who
contribute to the effort for each issue. Concert reports, images and news
items sent in by subscribers are essential in helping us keep the magazine
and website informative, and the help of our friends and subscribers is
greatly appreciated. See our Contact Us page
for information on how to get in touch.
interested in writing for Backstreets, above and beyond a letter or a
concert report. How should I proceed?
Youre welcome to pitch a story idea to us we do have a stable
of regular contributors, but we're always looking for more good writers
to help out. If you have a story idea you'd like to pursue for Backstreets,
feel free to send us a brief description of what youre interested
in writing. Note: "A funny thing happened on the way to the Springsteen
show"-type travelogues are already in great supply. As for unsolicited
submissions, we're happy to take a look at anything you'd like to send
along. We regret that we cannot always reply, and we don't often have room
in the magazine to run articles that were not assigned beforehand, but you
can be pretty confident that an editor will at least be reading your piece
appreciatively over a sandwich or something. See our Contact
Us page for information on how to get in touch.
you need illustrators?
To date, only occasionally; but incorporating snazzy drawings into the
magazine is something we'd like to do more of. Illustrators should send
samples of their work to:
Christopher Phillips
c/o Backstreets Magazine
1818 MLK Jr. Blvd. #300
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
there a Backstreets book?
In late 1989, Harmony Books published Backstreets, Springsteen: The Man and His
Music, by the Editors of Backstreets. This 224-page book collected some of the
best from past issues of Backstreets Magazine and also included an extensive
concert-ography. We updated the book in 1992 with the softback edition
of the Backstreets book, adding new photos and updates to the studio and
live listings. The Backstreets book is now out of print and out of stock,
but both the 1989 hardback and 1992 paperback editions can often be found
at good used bookstores we recommend you seek it out.
Backstreets ever do an update to the Backstreets book? A third edition,
Good question it's been on our minds for years, but it's largely been
a matter of finding the time. We're still looking.
can I find the bootlegs you review?
Backstreets' official position is that we do not endorse the buying or
selling of unauthorized material, and we do not carry bootlegs nor can
we help collectors obtain these items. Bootleg collecting is a reality
at present, however, and because our readers have repeatedly asked for
it, we do provide a columnist who does consumer-oriented reviews of new
bootlegs so collectors can know what dogs to avoid. Our official
position remains that fans are always better off spending their money
on official items, or on trading tapes and CDRs to collect unreleased
can I get in touch with traders, or even just other fans?
There are numerous fan forums online: our own BTX,
the newsgroup, and other online message
boards. Check out our new "Burning Down the Road" column in
the magazine for more information and tips. Also consider that Backstreets'
classified ads are some of the best-read classifieds in any collector's
magazine. Fans who are looking to connect with other fans
or collectors are highly encouraged to use this affordable method of getting
your message out there. Rates for messages or penpals are half the price
of commercial ads. Numerous traders use the classifieds to connect with
traders in other cities. Though as a magazine we support the efforts of
Springsteen fans to connect with each other, we cannot take any responsibility
for our classified advertising, so be a careful consumer.
Backstreets Magazine accept advertising?
Absolutely. Most magazines are supported almost exclusively by advertising
revenue; Backstreets is an odd case, in that our support has come largely
from our readers. Loyal subscribers and customers who shop from Backstreet
Records have helped Backstreets continue to publish for nearly
a quarter of a century. But we've always run ads in our pages, and while
we're more content-heavy than most magazines, we do accept ads for each
issue. Backstreets offers both classified and display ads. See
our Advertising page for more information,
or simply e-mail
with your snail-mail address in order to receive a rate card.
Backstreets sell Springsteen tickets?
No. We're pressing the redial button and yelling at our computer screens
just like everybody else. But we still may be able to help you find tickets,
with the Backstreets Ticket Exchange
(BTX). BTX is an online message board where Springsteen fans can sell
or trade extra tickets with each other. Face value only is our strict
policy on BTX -- it's a place for fans to help fans, beat the scalpers,
and get as many fans as possible in the door.
does the Backstreets Ticket Exchange work?
There are four separate BTX forums where fans can post. One is for posts
from those who need tickets, one is for posts from those who hold
extra tickets to sell, and one is for posts from those looking to trade
one show for another. For example, if Frankie has extra tickets to sell,
she can first check the Ticket Needers forum to see if a fan in need has
already requested tickets for that night; if not, she can post what she
has on the Ticket Holders forum. Through e-mail, Private Messages, or
other contact methods of their choosing, the haves and have-nots can connect,
transact, and boom, Frankie has just helped a fellow fan get precious
tickets to a show while circumventing the scalpers.
said there were four forums.
Oh yeah the fourth is "Loose Ends," for any non-ticket-exchange
Bruce talk, to help keep the Traders, Needers, and Holders forums focused
on the task at hand. This is a good place to check for additional other
show information, ticket sale info, and just general Bruce chat.
Backstreets involved in the actual exchange?
No. We maintain and monitor the forums, but it's up to fans to connect
with each other, and we can take no responsibility for any transactions.
how do I go about exchanging money and tickets safely with someone Ive
never met?
First of all, we presume you've gotten a good vibe out of the person you're
about to transact with. After all, trust is the basis of any relationship.
If trust isn't quite enough to get you to mail off a couple hundred bucks
in an envelope with your fingers crossed, consider a C.O.D. delivery.
Many carriers such as UPS and Federal Express offer a C.O.D. option, by
which tickets can be delivered and accepted in exchange for payment. Meeting
in person is another option.
I need to register to use BTX?
To use it fully, yes. You can read posts without registering, but if you'd
like to respond via post or private message, or post a new topic yourself,
you'll need to register. There's a button at the top of the page which
you can click to start the registration process.
I'm trying to register, but I can't read the code.
Try using a different browser application, that usually solves it.
filled out the registration form and I want to post why isn't my account
Once you've filled out and submitted the registration form (making sure
your e-mail address has been entered correctly), there's still one more
step to complete the account activation process. After submitting out
the registration form, you'll need to check your e-mail for a confirmation
letter, and click on the link provided within to finish the registration
process. If clicking on the link doesn't work, try copying the URL and
pasting it into a new browser window.
an America Online user, and I'm having trouble posting.
Right now there are known problems with compatibility between AOL and
BTX, resulting in "invalid session" error messages when attempting
to post. One way to get around it is by using a different browser, rather
than AOL's (in other words, use AOL to connect to the internet, but then
minimize AOL and use a different browser application for BTX). We're doing
what we can to solve the problem (caused by AOL not giving its users a
stable IP address), and we're sorry that BTX isn't yet entirely AOL compatible.
You might also check the "Loose Ends" board for posts from other
AOL users who have figured out solutions or workarounds.
not an AOL user, but I'm still having trouble posting.
It could be your browser settings. Do you have cookies turned on? If you
don't, that will definitely give you session-related grief. If that's
not the problem, try clearing your cache and cookies,
in that order, and see if that's any help.

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The Backstreets Liner Notes, our own song-by-song printed booklet, comes exclusive and FREE with each CD & LP!
Backstreet Records is the mailorder division of Backstreets, delivering Springsteen merchandise to fans for more than 25 years. We carry numerous collectibles, tour shirts, books, magazines, and imported CDs and records.
The world's best selection of Springsteen collectibles, all available by mail.
See all the new arrivals in our online shop

Our most recent issue honors a very Big Man. More than half of the 116-page, perfect bound Backstreets #91 is a tribute to the life and music of... do we have to say his name?
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